The Itasca Moraine Chapter of the North Country Trail Association will hold its Annual Meeting on Wednesday, March 26, at the Portage Brewery in Walker.
Doors will open at 5:00 p.m. The first hour will provide time for visiting and schmoozing over pizza and beverages. The Chapter will be ordering pizzas from a local restaurant (of course, donations to the Chapter to cover costs are always welcome!) Beer, including a special Portage "Trail Town" collaboration brew, and nonalcoholic beverages will be available for purchase, and free tap water will be provided by Portage Brewery. The brewery has stepped up to host this event to promote hiking in the Walker area and to open a relationship between our Chapter and the brewery. This will be an exciting evening!
PLEASE! RSVP! Chapter Members and Friends, to attend please reply via email ( with your name and the number of guests who will be with you. Indicate if you want vegetarian pizza. We need to know numbers so that we can order pizzas in advance. Let me know by responding via email. Send me your name, the number of people in your party and your pizza preference.
The agenda will be approximately as follows:
* 5:00 Check-in, visiting time, pizza
* 6:00 Speaker Carrie Jennings "The Glacial History of the North Country Trail, Itasca Moraine Chapter"
* 6:30 Business Meeting (Bylaws, Trail conditions, future plans, questions and comments from Members, election of Board and Officers, etc.)
* 8:00 Adjournment
We have a super-interesting speaker lined up. Carrie Jennings has a background as a career field-geologist at the Minnesota Geological Survey. She has mapped and published on the glacial geology of the Chippewa National Forest and Itasca County. Carrie is an adjunct faculty at the Univ. of Minn. in Earth and Environmental Sciences and taught a field-oriented geology course for 30 years. The Itasca Moraine area is one of her favorite, enigmatic parts of the state.
You don't have to be a chapter member to attend this meeting. Non-members and guests are welcome to come check things out. Only paid-up members can vote on chapter business. If you want to become a member, visit Annual individual memberships are $40, families $55. Indicate on your application that you want to affiliate with the Itasca Moraine Chapter.